G.I.F.T. Leaders

Bishop and Co-Pastor of G.I.F.T.

Donald & Cheryl Hayes

Meet the Hayes'

The Anointed Head of Leadership and Power Couple of G.I.F.T. Church & Ministries.
Bishop and Co-Pastor Hayes

Portrait of Bishop Donald 'D.D.' Hayes.

Bishop Donald "DD" Hayes

Board Chairman Over 25 Years

Bishop Donald “DD” Hayes have been preaching the gospel since 1976. Bishop Hayes have worked extensively throughout the world establishing worship services in military chaplaincy. He is called frequently to minister at military base chapels. Bishop Hayes is a well-known, nationally and internationally. Bishop Hayes stands firm in the Word and power of God and has an uncanny way of delivering the Word.

Audiences around the world love to hear the bishop preach and minister under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Bishop is the founder and pastor of the Gospel Inspirational Fellowship Tabernacle, inc. Bishop is the overseer of ministries in England, ministries in Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas, and working extensively with churches in Africa. Bishop Hayes is also the head chaplain for the DFW Airport Interfaith Chaplaincy, the 4th busiest airport in the world and oversees an employment base of over 65,000 employees, and a staff of 20 chaplains.

Bishop Hayes resides in Fort Worth, TX with his wife and Co-Pastor Cheryl, an anointed woman of God. They labor together at the Gospel Inspirational Fellowship Tabernacle (G.I.F.T.) ministries based in Fort Worth, TX. Together they have raised three children, and have been blessed with five grandchildren.

Co-Pastor Cheryl Hayes

Board Trustee Over 25 Years

Cheryl R. Hayes is the Co-Pastor of the G.I.F.T Ministries and is the covenant marriage partner of Bishop Donald “DD” Hayes. She is a dynamic teacher and illustrator. Congregations are blessed by her annointed teachings and the enlightening of the Word of God. She is also the chairman of the Women’s Department and hosts the Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast. Every year this event increases in attendants and in the power of God.

Co-Pastor Cheryl Hayes always has a cheerful spirit and her love and affection is contagious and genuine. She is the proud mother of three lovely children, Alicia and Michael by marriage; Brian and Carla by marriage; and Donald Jr. She is also the proud grandmother of four vibrant grandsons; Kaleb, Joshua, Daniel and Brian Jr.; and one gorgeous granddaughter, Brianna.

Picture of Co-Pastor Cheryl Hayes.


The Anointed Leadership of G.I.F.T. Church and Ministries.
Elders, Ministers, Deacons and Board Members

Picture of Elder and Sister Jackson standing in an outside door way in the daylight.

Elder Brian "B.K." & Carlgaysha "Carla" Jackson

Associate Elder

Board Advisor Over 25 Years

This wise and spirituous couple adds incredible spiritual gifts and talents to the G.I.F.T. ministry.

Elder B.K. is a powerful, annointed Prophet of God. He is a 5th grade school teacher for Fort Worth ISD and possesses a natural gift to connect and motivate the childern that he interact with daily, which he has been recognized for by the State of Texas Education Board. He has also sevred in the United States Army.

Elder Jackson is also the leader of praise and worship team for the ministry. His sanctified vocals changes the atmosphere with every song sung, creating an opening, allowing the Holy Spirit's presence to be filled.

Carlgaysha "Carla" Jackson is one of the leaders of the G.I.F.T. Children's Ministry and the teacher of our Children Church. By nature, Carla is a collaborator and works as an assistant in the medical field.

Sister Jackson is also very spiritually creative and trendy, which allows her to reach the minds of all young people. Her dramatic producutions are not only funny, but also breath taking.

Together, Brian and Carla has two beautiful and spiritually gifted childern, Brianna and Brian Jr. They are only one of many power couples that make up our ministry.

Deacon Tommy and Sue Haliburton

Board Advisor Over 25 Years

This wise and dependable couple is spiritually dedicated as they are faithful mentors to the G.I.F.T. ministry.

Deacon Tommy Haliburton is a retired Postman from the United States Post Office and has served in the United States Air Force. He currently enjoys traveling with his wife and interacting with family and friends while smoking meat on his grill.

As a Deacon, Tommy is a dedicated Man of God and always makes sure things are right within the organization. Deacon Haliburton is great at mentoring to the young and adult males within the G.I.F.T. Ministry, as well as the local community. He is also part of the G.I.F.T. Media Ministry Team. As Lead Sound Engineer, Tommy makes sure that the ministry always has a clear and clean sound quality for all church functions.

Sue Haliburton is a retired teacher and mentor to all women young and seasoned. She's always able to provide wise advice no matter the curcimstance or situation. Sister Haliburton will always include God as part of the solution.

Sue also assist with the Children Ministry during certain events and function, the Praise and Worship Ministry and is part of the G.I.F.T. Communion Ministry, as well as the G.I.F.T. Choir.

The Haliburton's has been marriage for over 40yrs, and raised three wonderful, God fearing adults, Tommy Jr, April, and Keith, each providing grandchilderns for this loving family. The Haliburtons is a true example of what God has put together, let no man tear apart. That alone makes them a power couple for the ministry.

Deacon Tommy and Sue Haliburton standing together in color cordinated red and black suit and dress.
Picture of Deacon David and Chandra Bradley standing next to each other

Deacon David & Chandra Bardley

Board Trustee Over 25 Years

This wise and dynamic couple are talented and passionate about working for the Kingdom of God. They're always willing to step in whenever servants of God are needed. They both have been blessed with a giving spirit.

Deacon David Bradley is an engineer for a company here in Fort Worth, TX. David served in the United States Marine, where he actually met his lovely wife of over 40yrs, Chandra.

As a Deacon, David is always interacting with the youth, as well as giving them sound advice. He's also a great mentor to the men of the ministry. Deacon Bradley is always sharing his life experiences and willing to lend a helping hand any way he can.

Chandra Bradley is also an engineer for a company in the DFW meteorplex. She's an amazing cook and is also a professional baker, which her talent ranges from pastries up to wedding cakes.

Chandra Bradley is a superb and spiritually gifted songstress. She is part of the G.I.F.T. Praise and Worship Ministry, the Director of G.I.F.T. Choir, and the leader for our Angel Tree Ministry. As the Choir Director, Chandra is patient, but determined to bring the best out of each member of the choir. She's very passionate about having the best quality for the Lord as well as the G.I.F.T. Music Department.

Together, David and Chandra has been married over 40 years and have raised two loving adults and have several grandchildren. They are another powerful couple that make up the G.I.F.T. Ministry.

Deacon James and Onie Nichols

Board Trustee Over 25 Years

This wise and dedicated couple is spiritually gifted in hospitally and are faithful leaders to the G.I.F.T. ministry.

Deacon James Nichols is a retired Postman from the United States Post Office and has served in the United States Air Force. He currently enjoys riding his motorcycle and the company of his grand and great-grand children, along with whatever else the Lord leads him to do.

As a Deacon, James is faithful in making sure that the organization has the things needed to keep our mission for God's Kingdom on a continuous journey. He always has a pleasant spirit and willing to share the "good news" with anyone willing to listen.

Onie Nichols works in logistics for a company in the DFW area. You'll hardly ever find her without her contagious smile on her face. She also enjoys interacting with her grand and great-grand childern when she not working.

As Leader of the G.I.F.T. Usher Board, Onie puts her spiritual gift of hospitally to work for the Kingdom of God, making sure that everyone feels right at home at G.I.F.T., whether a member or a visitor for the first time. She treats them all the same, like one of the family. She is also a great mentor to both young and adult females in the ministry.

Together Deacon James and Onie Nichols has raised eight lovely adults and have several grand and great-grand childern. They are also one of the power couples of our ministry.

Picture of Deacon James and Onie Nichols sitting next to each other
Picture of Deacon & Harriet Simpson

Deacon John and Harriet Simpson

Board Trustee Over 2 Years

Deacon Simpson and Harriet have become immeasurable assistance to this church. The Simpson couple came in and got busy in the worship. They both sing on the church Choir and do a great job.

Deacon Simpson is on our board, and also assists us in keeping our financial records straight.

Deacon and Sis. Simpson are two year students in our Christian School of Education. They both have taught in our Weekly Bible Studies. We are so glad to have them in our camp. They have a large family of 15 children and have done a great job in raising and rearing children. 6 of the 15 are still at home.

Mother Margret Giles

Board Trustee Over 25 Years

Margaret Giles, a faithful and loyal covenant member serving at the G.I.F.T. Church since 1987.

She serves on the Communion Staff, is a Teacher of Wednesday Night Bible Study, a mighty Prayer Warrior and also is a Member of the Church Board for over 25 years.

She loves The LORD, is full of compassion and possesses a mothering spirit.

She is a pillar of strength and support. She has been and is a GREAT asset to this Ministry and to the Body of Christ.

Picture of Mother Margret Giles smiling
Picture of Sister Casselyn *Tina* Haynie

Sister Casselyn "Tina" Haynie

Board Trustee Over 25 Years

Casselyn (Tina) Haynie, is a faithful and loyal covenant member serving at the G.I.F.T. Church since the early 1990’s.

She serves on the Communion Staff, the Adult Choir and is a member of the Church Board for over 25 years. She loves The LORD and is a willing servant.

She possesses the qualities of a meek and quiet spirit; however, life experiences has taught her, to walk by faith and not by sight.

She has been and is a GREAT asset to this Ministry and to the Body of Christ.